

 Today the world celebrates the epitome of god Shri Krishna's Birthday, The 8th avatar of Lord Vishnu. Reading the life of Krishna not only uplifts person Spiritually but also help one living life successfully and in a righteous manner.  Dr. Kalam too was the fond reader of Bhagwat Gita as he explained in his one of the books. Quoting Dr. Kalam "the knowledge of Bhagawat Gita helped me many times to get clarity of life when I faced anxiety and doubts after my no. of failures".  We generally before using any new equipment goes through the guide book stating how to use it, in a similar manner the Bhagwat Gita and the lessons of Krishna also are like the guide to living life in the right manner. There are infinite lessons one can draw from Krishna, but these are my 10 favorite lessons I want to draw from his life: 1.  YOU OWN ACTIONS NOT THE RESULT:    This is the essence of Krishna's Life and Bhagwat Gita. Human beings have very limited control in their life. What human

The 75 th Anniversary of Atomic Bombing

The year 2020 has been the 75th anniversary of the Atomic bombing at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan by US Airforce B29 Bomber (Enola Gay) on 6th and 9th Aug 1945 during WW2 which killed 80,000 and 40,000 peoples in the respective cities. Ironically and Surprisingly this year also shares the 50th anniversary of the ratification of the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty(NPT) under the UN mandate which comes into existence in 1970 with the objective of dismantling any Nuclear weapons and its respective technology in and around the world. While both the events which I shared have been poles apart with each other yet a significant role to play in the world's peace. Now the larger question is has the world learned anything from the devastation of Japanese cities and the more prevalent question is have the world done enough to dismantle the nuclear weapons which have been the motto of NPT and CTBT?   Well, let's analyze this and let our wisdom speak to us at the end of this article! Be

Attitude difference In Dealing with Pakistani and Chinese incursion

The Recent Physical clash, Brawl, and Fisty Cuff between the Indian Army and People's Liberation Army(PLA) at the icy heights of more than 13000 FTs from mean sea levels at the Eastern Ladakh of Galway valley caught the attention of not only Indians or Chinese but the entire world. As it is indeed a cause of concerns for the whole world as 2 Giants are not only the most populous country of the world but both have significant numbers of Nuclear arsenals, hence any escalations from now could lead to serious devastation. Why Does India not responding against PLA as it uses to do with Pakistan? The Debate has erupted within as to why does Indian Armed Forces or security forces not treating Chinese PLA as same as the Pakistani Army? As because of the frequency of our encounters with the Pakistani Infiltrators or the Unprovoked ceasefire violation by Pakistani Forces at the Indo Pak borders, all Indians are pretty accustomed to such news as always India does give befitting repl

Chinese Supremacy on Hong Kong

It Wouldn't be an exaggeration to call the Peoples Republic Of China as "The Cunning FOX". China Time and again have been trying to impose various laws on its specially Administrative region "Hong Kong" be it be in 2003, 2014, 2019, and now in 2020 but all previous laws enforcement before 2020 gone bankrupt due to humongous protests by the Hong kongers. Taking lessons from the previous failed attempts, now the Chinese Government has  enforcing laws in such a time when including Hong Kong the world has been dealing with the Pandemic and it is quite impossible for the millions of peoples in Hong Kong to register their protest due to social distancing like they had done previously particularly the massive one in 2019. Recent Eye-Catching Event When including China, the entire globe has been doing its bit to contain the "Wuhan Virus", meanwhile China has been deliberately flexing its muscles everywhere be it be in "Ladakh's Pyongong Tso,

The Geopolitics of the South China Sea

While the world has been grappling with the deadliest and contagious virus, originated from Wuhan, China after recovered partially from the pandemic starts flexing its muscles again in the region of the South China Sea. This hegemonic approach of China is not new to the world but what makes it paramount is the "TIME" and it shows how the Chinese are opportunistic Expansionists. If China would have been one of the Characters from Mahabharata, then it must be "Duryodhan" who never get satisfied with its own Territory and want others as well. The South China Sea The South China sea is a part of the Pacific ocean which has been surrounded majorly by Southeast Asia (Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia) and China. The South China Sea has always been the point of contention between the countries it has proximities mostly between China, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam. From the mid of the 20th century, the claim over the island

Lessons for India Amidst Corona

2020 begun with contagious and deadly Novel CoronaVirus causes unprecedented deaths, Economic Losses but as every adversity brings seeds of Equal or Higher Opportunities likewise India too have points to ponder, introspect & should seize this adversity for better India. Practice of Proper Sanitation Poor Sanitation causes Diarrhea, Cholera, Dysentry, Typhoid, polio which accounts for 10% of death in India as per the World Bank. Every year over 300,000 Indians die from diarrheal diseases which could have been saved by providing only proper Sanitation facilities. Due to Coronavirus, guidelines of WHO has reached to every nook and corner of India and the peoples from rural and low socio-economic background started paying attention for basic health hygiene to contain the Coronavirus-like regular handwashing, cough and sneeze discipline, social distancing and wearing masks which itself by practicing for the last several days, get accustomed to it and the subconscious mind of

Negative Crude Oil Price & Geopolitics

What Happened? Recently, US market saw unprecedented lowest Crude Oil Price below zero at  -$40/Barrels of West Texas Intermediate (WTI), one of the Benchmarks of crude oil based on texas, US. This is one of the lowest Crude prices ever happened in History where the seller's would be paying buyer's to buy Crude Oil. Benchmarks of Crude Oil Mainly 3 Benchmarks in the world for Crude oil Production exists, according to its quality and the Geographical Locations of productions. 1 . West Texas Intermediate(WTI) : This benchmark is based on The Shale oil production based near Texas, US, considered to be one of the best Oil in the world because of its lowest density, easier to refine, and Highest quality. 2. Brent Blend:  This benchmark of Crude Oil is extracted from the Northern Sea in Europe. 3. OPEC Basket:  This Benchmark is based on Oil being extracted by countries from OPEC (Saudi Arabia, Algeria, UAE, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, etc) whose Density of Oil is muc