Chinese Supremacy on Hong Kong

It Wouldn't be an exaggeration to call the Peoples Republic Of China as "The Cunning FOX".

China Time and again have been trying to impose various laws on its specially Administrative region "Hong Kong" be it be in 2003, 2014, 2019, and now in 2020 but all previous laws enforcement before 2020 gone bankrupt due to humongous protests by the Hong kongers.
Taking lessons from the previous failed attempts, now the Chinese Government has  enforcing laws in such a time when including Hong Kong the world has been dealing with the Pandemic and it is quite impossible for the millions of peoples in Hong Kong to register their protest due to social distancing like they had done previously particularly the massive one in 2019.

Recent Eye-Catching Event

When including China, the entire globe has been doing its bit to contain the "Wuhan Virus", meanwhile China has been deliberately flexing its muscles everywhere be it be in "Ladakh's Pyongong Tso, Sikkim's Naku la, South China Sea, Taiwan Straits, Japan's Senkaku Island, and Hong Kong".

Recently, when the Chinese Parliament ("National People's Congress(NPL)") have started their sessions after the months-long Lockdown, the Chinese govt. very smartly had proposed a Draft to Curtail the "Autonomy of Hong Kong" which was being Agreed by Chinese in Sino Britain joint declaration in 1984, when Hong Kong was given back to China by the British administration.


The Time was of 19th Century when India was the Colony of British and India being one of the greatest producers of "OPIUM" (Ganja in Hindi), the Britishers would sell the opium produced by Indian Farmers to various corners of the world and getting well monetary benefits.
But, it was in early of the 1800s when Chinese people got badly addicted to the consumptions of Opium coming from British India, hence the various Dynasties of China particularly the Qing Dynasty had imposed restrictions over the Opium.
Seeing a heavy loss from the embargo, the British Navy attacked the Navies of Chinese dynasty in around the south china sea and near the pearl river of China, being a superior force, British India won against Chinese dynasties and the truce had reached between them in 1842 which stated China must ensure that they would refrain to put an embargo on the Opium trade coming from Indian territory and must give coastal Chinese land to British to ensure their proper trade via sea.
Hence under this Truce, The trade resumption happened and British administration got Hong Kong under lease for the period of 99 years starting from 1898 till 1997.
This Treaty between both known as the "Treaty of Nankin".
But the time had passed very quickly, Britishers had gone back from India in 1947, and China had also united to form the People's republic of China in 1948 but the administration of Hong Kong was still being controlled by British Parliament till 1997.
As in 1984 when the period of the lease was at the brink of end, The British and Chinese administration met and reached  a joint declaration forming the way ahead to how Hong Kong would be given back to China and what rule of law must prevail there to govern Hong Kong which known to be as  "Sino British declaration of 1984.

The Sino British Declaration

In 1984, the declaration had been signed between China and British and set standard operating procedures to make Hong Kong an extended territory of China in 1997 under 1 Country 2 system.
The 99 years of long British administration in Hong Kong completely changed the mindsets of Hongkongers from following the Europian lifestyle to be very fluent in British English to enjoying Democracy and freedom of speech to be very pluralistic mindsets to being very liberal in the thought process which was far opposite to the basic cultures of China where their dictionary won't have words like democracy, freedom of speech, liberal thought process, expressing dissent towards the government, etc.

Hence, by respecting the culture of Hongkong which has a huge bit of influence from the west, the declaration had reached where Hongkong would be given a status of "specially Administrative region of China (SAR)" and 1 country 2 system followed.

1 Country 2 System

Since Hongkong was a democratic setup of the British, hence in the declaration, the Peoples Republic Of China agrees to give HongKong a proper autonomy to follow its old democratic setup and it must refrain in the future to meddle in any independent political events of Hongkong.
Hence, Unlike the Chinese mainland which is not a democracy, Hongkong after becoming a special administrative region of Chinese Mainland still continues to follow the democratic system where a multi-party political system continues and the citizens have got full-fledged voting rights.
This is known to be as " 1 country 2 system ".

Hence, even being formally a part of China, the political setup is entirely different in Hongkong.
The constitutional rule under which an autonomy given to HongKong by Chinese administration is known as "The Mini Constitution or The Basic Law of Hongkong" which gives special rights to Hongkong.

Hence, in order to run the administration in HongKong, they consist their separate Police, Independent Judiciary, The independent democratic Political parties which formed their own rule of laws passed by their own legislation but except for the rules pertaining to the National securities, Their Armed Forces, and the Foreign Affairs which must be owned by the Chinese mainland.

                                         CHINA                                                 HONGKONG

Political setup              Communism                                             Democracy

Currency                      Yuan                                                         Hongkong Dollar

Language                      Mandarin                                                 British English                                                      

Visa Norm                     Independent Visa                                      Independent Visa

Police                             Independent                                               Independent

Judiciary                       Independent                                               Independent

Trade                             Independent Norm                                     Independent Norm

Annexure iii of Basic Law

The "Basic Law" provides HongKong autonomy to formulate their separate rules from legislative assembly but the  Annexure 3 of Basic Law states that all the issues of National security, Foreign Relation, Terrorism, Extremist in the land of HongKong must be treated by the mainland political party of China and hence the Chinese have got all rights to made rules pertaining to these issues which will be applicable to entire China including HongKong.

2014 Umbrella protest

In 2014 the Communist govt. of China had proposed law for HongKong to screen the leaders standing as the candidate for the position of the supreme leader of HongKong( known as Chief executive). But this had been undermining the autonomy given to HongKong back in 1997 and ensuring the meddling of the Chinese communist party in the Independent election of Hongkong.
Hence the mammoth protest had erupted back then known as Umbrella protest and the proposed idea had been reverted back by Chinese.

2019 Extradition Bill

The specialty of Hongkong is that the citizens have got the right to express their dissent against the govt. of Hongkong as well as communist govt.of China.
Well we are very aware of the ground situation in China when DR. LEE one of the whistleblowers of the Chinese mess of pandemic had been missing since January, probably would have been killed.
This shows how Opaque the Chinese land is, how much the Chinese administration is "Authoritarian".
So, last year the Extradition bill was presented, and if it was passed, it would have given Chinese Communist party power to extradite the people from HongKong to mainland china for trial in their judiciary if they found them showing dissent for Chinese Communist.
The so-called criminal who was being extradited to mainland China would have faced extreme opaque judiciary, hence this Bill would have been a trial by China to make Hongkong under its authoritarian system, but following this, a huge protest erupted and The so-called Strong Chinese Government had to take a step back yet again.

Present Bill

Taking all the lessons from the previous failure, the Chinese Communist Party decided to present yet another Bill for HongKong as soon as their Parliament resumed  recently to curtail the special provision given to HongKong like the Freedom of speech , Freedom to show dissent, Freedom to protest, etc but this time more Smartly or the better world would be more "Cunningly" in the time when it is impossible to congregate on the street and the second Cunnigness is they have proposed this bill under the "Annexure 3" of Basic law which gives consent to Communist government to formulate laws in name of National security. Hence, this law is named as "The National Security Law".

The National Security Law

The National security law is going to be passed by the Parliament of China by bypassing the legislative assembly of Hongkong Which if passed would target secession, sedition, terrorism, extremism, and foreign interference in HongKong. 
It would also prevent the local political organizations to have a relationship with the foreign entity and restrict citizens to express their dissents for the government in the future which would be the blatant attack on the Autonomy given in 1997.

Under the cover of such issues, the Chinese Communist Government have been flexing its more control over the Hongkong and in future, it would be impossible for the Hongkongers to register the protest against mainland China if any more illegal provisions would be enforced on them like it happened in 2003,2014 and 2019 and the Greater autonomy given would be compromised.

US Angle

In 1992, the US had passed a bill in their Congress named " HongKong Relation Act" which states that the US would treat HongKong as a separate entity from mainland China and hence the trade relations would be different for HongKong.
Under this Act, the US, unlike with China, has always given preferential trade benefits to HongKong business traders and in most cases, the trade between both has been done with almost "zero" import duty, which defines greater cooperation of US for HongKong.
But, last year under the chairmanship of  POTUS Donald Trump, US Congress had revised the 1992 Act when the Chinese supremacy had been looming over the Hongkong.
The revised act states that the US bureaucrats every year must investigate the autonomy of Hongkong and must inform the policymakers then with that only the 1992 Act would remain enacted for the particular year.
Now if the National Security Bill will be passed, it compromises the autonomy of Hongkong and would certainly Hongkong failed to continue with the 1992 act of the US.
Hence it would certainly take the relations between US-China which already have been at low to even more lower points and probably would attract the " US Sanctions ".


China ever since 1997 has been very desperated to merge Hongkong completely under its command,
what here is important is that they are striking the Iron when it crosses its recrystallization temperature by which the shape would be given so easily with least resistance.
Time is crucial when at this Juncture, world shows solidarity with each other in the pandemic, Chinese Blatantly disobeying the treaty with Britain and enforcing command over Hongkong.
It's high time, the British Government must take cognizance of the matter because they are one of the stakeholders of the 1997 return of Hongkong to China.


  1. U have so much spelling as well as grammatical mistakes..

    1. Thank you for feedback, grammar is always been an issue for me, getting better on it!

  2. Awesome Blog ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Very well written and quiet informative. Keep up the good work!

  4. Great work buddy,This is one of the burning Geo-political issues.


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