The Geopolitics of the South China Sea

While the world has been grappling with the deadliest and contagious virus, originated from Wuhan, China after recovered partially from the pandemic starts flexing its muscles again in the region of the South China Sea.
This hegemonic approach of China is not new to the world but what makes it paramount is the "TIME" and it shows how the Chinese are opportunistic Expansionists.
If China would have been one of the Characters from Mahabharata, then it must be "Duryodhan" who never get satisfied with its own Territory and want others as well.

The South China Sea

The South China sea is a part of the Pacific ocean which has been surrounded majorly by Southeast Asia (Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia) and China.

The South China Sea has always been the point of contention between the countries it has proximities mostly between China, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
From the mid of the 20th century, the claim over the island and on the international water has been on surge by these, categorically by China.

Reasons For Claim over the South China Sea

Although the Reasons are too many, but Strategic and Economic aspects drive hugely these nations for their respective claim.

1. The World's 1/3rd Shipping passed through this strategic route causing humongous businesses between East & West.

2. The South China Sea contains a humongous amount of the reserves of Natural gases, Crude oils, Minerals, etc

3. This region has a stupendous potential of "Fisheries"

4. This region contains Multiple islands archipelago, Coral reefs, etc

5. The One who controls the region would control International Shippings, Naval Forces Deployment, Aircrafts Movements, etc

Hence, the one who controls the region has tremendous Strategic and economic Power and the super extended Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ).


The formation of the People's Republic of China(PRC) happened in 1947 with the set up of the Communist Government. ( To know the little history about PRC formation, explore my blog )
Then onwards China started following expansionist policy and "Unilaterally" in 1947 have announced the so-called "9 DASH LINE" in the region of the South China Sea which specifies there Unilateral claim over the region comprises of more than 90% area consisting almost all Islands(Paracel, Spratlys, Scarborough shoals, etc), Coral reefs, Waters, etc.

This was the reason for the actual flash between the countries situated around the South China sea and they all unanimously rejected the Chinese "9 Dash Line" claim.

The Chinese version says that the entire part of the South China Sea has been under the administration of the Chinese dynasty since the 14th century, hence they have the legitimate right over the stretch of area.
Similar reasonings have also been made by Vietnam as they have too administered these regions since the 15th century onwards.
The situation becomes even more intense when the Philippines too started claiming their rights over the "Spratlys" island and the Territorial waters around, while Taiwan too jumped into the race and have had claimed it too since the 1990s.
Malaysian claims want their parts of Territorial water and Brunei too wants such along with Freedom of  Navigation around the region.

Recent Happening

China, on the one hand, giving help to the nations suffering from Pandemic badly by providing Medical kits and additional Funds to WHO, on the other hand, they have been once again Transgressing international laws which show its Duplicity.
While every country focussed its attention towards curbing the pandemic, the Chinese Government had Unilaterally "Renamed" the name of "80 islands" and "coral reefs" in the South China Sea and released to the world without taking consent from nearby countries pushing its "9 Dash Line" agenda.
Apart from that, Recently Chinese Coast Guard sunk the Fishing boats of Vietnam carrying 8 fishermen in the nearby Paracel island, also they likewise their previous attempts had trespassed  Exclusive Economic Zones(EEZ) of Taiwan and passed their mammoth Aircraft carrier close to the country and did very aggressive maneuvers.
This doesn't end the story, they had also intruded the waters near the island owned by Japan in the East China Sea.
To support others, the US with Australia too had sent their Guided Missiles cruisers in the region against the aggression of Chinese.
These are not a new thing vis-a-vis China as they have been showing aggression of such intensity time and again but recently with higher frequencies.

Previous Infrastructural Activities

Although the entire part of the South China Sea is disputed, China is so aggressively building the Civil and Military Infrastructures on the existed islands in the region and with the heavy earth movers they have been constructing the artificial islands over the sea to increase their hegemony and footprints in the region and to lay better claims for "9 Dash Line".
Seeing this, other counties like Vietnam and the Philippines had also started laying their infrastructural activities but the pace of Chinese couldn't be matched.
Anxious by this, The smaller countries in the region had taken the issue to the international court of Justice(ICJ) situated at the Hague, Netherland against the Chinese transgression of the United Nations Convention for the law on the Sea(UNCLOS).
As per "UNCLOS", ICJ in 2016 rejected the "9 Dash line" claim of China given the decision in favor of Vietnam, Philippines, and other smaller nations.
But Still Chinese never adhere to ruling and still believe the entire region to be theirs.


It stands for the "UNITED NATION CONVENTION FOR THE LAW ON SEA" framed under the UN mandate specifies the Territorial water related to a specific country in the Internation Water.
As per UNCLOS, the country situated at the bay of the sea have "Territorial waters" and "Exclusive Economic Zones"

Territorial Water: It stretches from the start of the bay till the 12 Nautical Miles(NM).
The Territorial Water of any country is assumed to be its private sea where no other foreign ships could trespasses it anyway.

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): EEZ stretches from the bay till the 200 NM for the specific country. Beyond 12NM the water in EEZ is assumed to be the International water where freedom of Navigation is accepted for any foreigner but all the resources till 200 NM like Fisheries, Minerals, Crude Oils, etc belong to the particular country only and no one foreigner could tap within EEZ.

Indian Perspective

India has been a country with the foreign policy of the "Multipolarism" and "Act East Policy".
India accounts for a humongous Export and import of its goods to the Eastern World.
India accounts for about 55% of its trade (Import and Export) towards the east and more than 98% of the entire trade went through the sea routes. The Trade went to the East viz China, Southeast Asian nation, Japan, Australia, Netherland, etc Indo-Pacific area through the maritime route passing through the strait of Malacca and "The South China Sea".
Hence, India's concern for the south china sea is of  "Freedom Of Navigation", that is if the water belongs to no one it is the "International water" and hence anyone can move their Merchant Ships, Naval Ships, Aircraft above through the region of International Waters and requires none permissions. 
But if the entire stretch of 9 Dash would be held by China, then India couldn't exercise the freedom of navigation and have to take permissions always from China for any activity otherwise have to take a much much longer maritime route which could be proved extremely expensive vis-a-vis Time and Money and India could lose a plethora of Businesses and diplomatic relations from East.

China, time and again too have shown its rivalry with India as well, whether it would be 73 days Military standoff in Doklam or it is Aksai Chin illegal occupation or it is the falsified Kashmir issues at UN. 
Hence, getting the 9 Dash Lines by Chinese simply means the Naval Vessels of the Chinese Navy would be even more closer to Indian Naval Facilities at Andaman sea and Bay of Bengal and in time of standoffs, it would be more intense stretched from land borders to the maritime borders.


It is obvious that China has also been the hegemonic in approach, hence for the countries like India, US, Australia, Japan, UK, France, etc should encourage to maintain the status quo in the south china sea, to maintain the entire stretch as the International waters so the International community should reduce the hegemony of Chinese Militarily and will be able to protect the smaller nation in the region who day in and day out faces the bullies from Beijing.


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