Climate change, its effect and take for INDIA

21st century a century which saw a lot of growth be it be a space mission program, medicine, artificial intelligence, infrastructure and the list goes on and on... but as it has been correct saying nothing is free , with these development a huge disproportionate shifting in climate change has been seen with intensification of development of industrialization ,a huge chunk of waste have been thrown to this planet in the form of greenhouse gases particularly "carbon" a major reason for global warming and climate change causes extreme weather condition , air pollution ,crop failures ,biodiversity losses, and so on ..

If the global warming been going like its current acceleration , at the end of 21st century the average global temperature of mother earth would have been rise to 4deg centigrade. Since this century have already witnessed a huge rise in global average temperature , which has been causing a very fast melting of glaciers and increasing the level of sea around the world. Taking a small island nation in south Asia , "Maldives",having lowest level ,merely around 2 meters above the "MSL" , will be facing a serious threat of its existence.

According to survey, one fifth of world's richest country Emits half of the Global emission which impact mostly to the poor and developing Nations.
Global warming have potential to make billion of people poor and after the civil war , global warming impact would have been the major reason of asylum of peoples on foreign countries in future. As cape town has already get its date fixed for "0" underground water .

If taking India, Around 800 million Indians lives in village and mostly depends on agriculture & by 50% of farms land totally depends on Rain , if due to climate change the rain pattern would change completely as it has been observing now a days, then the livelihood of all small farmers would have been under the threat.

INDIA accounts highest carbon emission in 2018 according to survey and this year has also witnessed the Kerala flood,a huge repercussion against global warming ,causes 95% more rain fall than actual resulting the loss of huge life and resources of nation while contrary to this states like Maharashtra have been facing huge depreciation in rail fall and lack of underground water causing lack of farming and growing pressure over the farmers.

India has been promised to cut down her emission under Paris climate agreement of 2015 ,which not only take India as a leader in world forum but also help out our peoples to get access of clean air and water.
India by showing her concern for reducing carbon emission can also show her respect to all the small island nations around them like Maldives, Mauritius etc , which would have been a master stoke in Indian Diplomacy as well and a better relation will evolve .

India have already done a lot to control the emission as 2/3rd population of India lives in village ,whom don't had clean source of energy earlier ,but thanks to " प्रधानमंत्री उज्ज्वला योजना" after which a considerable reduction of  emissions have been seen by adopting "LPG" as a source of cooking.

India have lot of solution to curb the emission of carbon ,by reducing her dependency on thermal projects ,as almost 60% of the energy produced is through coal .
India have potential to access a huge lot of renewal sources due to her proximity to natural resources .India have 7500 km border of maritime border which can extract enormous tidal and ocean energy .

India have a enormous potential of energy beneath her surface in Himalayan region in the form of geothermal energy which have the potential around 10,000 megawatt power production .India as a geographical location of its can extract solar energy as well .
these are the places where India need to invest & develop her infra structure to satisfy the growing need of energy as well as to gift her citizens with a pollution free air and water .

Suggestions are welcome !!
thank you !!!!!


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