It was 11th of  September 1893 when the hall of Chicago was being applauded to the speech of Swami Vivekanand as he speaks on how India and Indians helped lots of humankind in the world to take a shelter in the country whosoever had been facing a persecution in their own country , and this is probably the reason why India will be having a humungous culture, ethnicity, languages, etc .
But we as an Indian celebrate the pluralism of our nation with so pride.
But there is always been a limit to anything which any person, country or even mother earth can tolerate, be it be the population explosion or the man-made pollution or Climate change.
When India attained freedom in 1947, the census was conducted first ever in 1951, and it becomes the routine to conduct the census every 10 years. The recent one was in 2011.
Although a Humongous amount of population has grown since Independence which we should be addressing very soon, one more thing has to be making us all Skeptic. From 1951 to 2011 as per census, the population of the entire country had been grown 5 times while keeping our study concentric to northeastern states of India, the population had risen with 10X speed. This simple comparison has shown us how porous our Northeastern stated had been in the past as people had been entering from the neighboring countries particularly Bangladesh.

When then eastern Pakistan had been facing horrendous genocide by the mainland Pakistan Army, people were leaving eastern Pakistan to take shelter inside the Indian territory mostly in west Bengal and Assam. The influx of immigrants was so huge that it also starts making our demographic structure imbalanced and locals start feeling insecurity towards their own culture. The agitation was so much among the local people of Assam in the early 1980s that it turns to be a huge protest to weed these illegal immigrants out of our country. Then PM of India, Mr. Rajiv Gandhi has signed an Assam accord with the leaders of Assam in 1985 whose primary objective is to weed out illegal.
It consists that the immigrants who entered India :
1. Between 1951 to 1961 should be given both, Indian citizenship as well as voting right.
2. Between 1961 to 1971 should only be given Indian citizenship with no rights to vote
3.After 25th March 1971 should be considered illegal immigrants and need to be deported as soon as possible.

The basic objective is to Determine the illegal immigrants, Delete their names from the voting list and deport such person to the country they concern.
But as then PM was so short-lived and with lots of political complexities, this objective had never achieved. Even the influx of illegal immigrants keep going after the Assam accord and a small state of Assam had been filled with such people that it started unbearable to local Indians.
For any country, it is her duty to provide their citizen with all basic rights like clean water, air, education, medical facilities, infrastructures etc but India with a mammoth population of 135 crore Indians itself found very difficult to give quality amenities to her some citizens because of lack of resources and feeding those extra burdens of illegal immigrants is absolutely not in the favor of any nation.

Well then the Supreme court of India had taken the cognizance of this issue and it stated the process of NATIONAL REGISTER OF CITIZEN (NRC) in state of Assam where people need to prove themselves as the citizen of India under the stipulated time. A lot of NRC centers were opened in Assam to facilitate peoples, where 3 crore peoples had applied and after scrutiny, the result was published as 19 lakhs people couldn't make in it.
So an additional 120 days were also given to prove their identity or their ancestral and if it fails , they could even reach High courts and Supreme court of INDIA.

Although the process is itself so complex and cumbersome, some fault is so possible but giving peoples chances to prove until SC of India would definitely help real Indians to get in the list.
NRC is the need of the hour in our country particularly in Northeastern state and West Bengal because the real Indians have the right to enjoy everything from India without being compromised.
India as a nation has already given shelter to too many persecuted peoples during the 1971 war as Human assistance but still this influx of people inside our territory illegally cant bear by us anymore.
So, the problems of deportation of these illegal immigrants are the debate of the future but the basic need of the hour is to detect such illegal immigrants asap and delete their names from the voting list of India and keeping these people under scrutiny should be done asap.
Also, we spend a lot in to seal our western borders because of one notorious neighbor, but the treacherous contour was so difficult that even by our Forces huge efforts, we had faced sneaking of terrorist across the LOC , now if we look our eastern border, it is quite peaceful and have less tough terrains so we need to spend some amount to seal these borders as much as possible and particularly should use the same technology which Israel is using to separate itself from Hamas, then only this problems of illegal immigrants, illegal drugs and weapons stops and we make ourself very protected and starts feeding our citizen in good manner.


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