Recently, after the amendments in the Citizenship act of 1955 by both the houses of parliament, a huge Ruckus has been developed in the country among people out of its lack of knowledge.

The government should have been cautious about the Vandalism, they should have been proactive instead of reactive, they should propagate the exact meaning of the laws through all channels viz. Radio, TV and even with the volunteers at Sub-district level to educate unaware citizens about laws so the anti-social elements cant be benefited by their agenda and country would only saw peaceful protest instead of Vandalism.

What is CAA?

As per the citizenship act of 1955, Indian citizenship can be taken by 3 means only viz..

1. By Birth in India
2. Parents belong to India
3. By Naturalisation 

Lets, talk about the 3rd one, as per the 1955 act, any Non-Citizen could get the citizenship of India if He/She has spent 11 years out of the last 15 years of his life By Living in India irrespective of anycast/creed/religion, etc.

But, the 2019 Amendments say that any person who are religiously persecuted namely Hindu, Sikh, Budh, Parsi, Jain, Christian from the three neighboring nation viz. Afganistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh could get their citizenship in India if they had lived 5years out of their last 6 years in India for which the cutoff date has been assigned as 31st December 2014.
The basic motto of bringing this law to give shelter to all religiously persecuted minorities of these nations to India on the Humanitarian ground so they will be enjoying all their rights as a normal Indian citizen.


This very law although had been drafted after passing through all basic ways in Parliament by getting a simple majority, a huge criticism has been faced by it.

First was that it hasn't been in synergy with the basic preamble of Indian constitution, as it violets Article 14 of Constitution i.e having unsecular as India is Completely being a secular Nation.

The answer is given by Ministry as since all the 3 nations are Islamic Nation and not being a secular state, hence Muslims cant is persecuted in these very nations on the religious ground, hence they haven't been included in CAA.
As in 1947,23% of Minorities of Pakistan has been dipped Swifty to mere 2.5%
Bangladesh Minorities had also faced severe genocides during 1971, hence increases the influx of Bangladeshi to Indian Northeast.
Afganistan Sikhs had also been persecuted badly by the Taliban's as well.

The second critics given was, already Northeastern states had been facing a huge illegal influx of peoples causing changes in demographics and imposing huge threats to the tribal identities, this influx would make things more deteriorated.

Answer given was, as most part of NE states comes either under the Inner line permit or Under 6th schedule of the Indian constitution hence Most of these areas are going to be secure against any new Citizens.

The third one is that it Violets the Assam accord of 1985 between Student leaders of Assam and Union Government which says that anyone who entered India after 25th March 1971 cannot be given Indian citizenship.

Inner Line Permit

During the British India Period, the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulatory act of 1873 was made by the British Indian Government that the 4 northeastern states viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram would be coming in ILP status which gives them special autonomous status as any person outside the state cannot become the citizen of these states, cannot purchase the immovable properties and need to took permission from the state government to enter in the state for under a specific period of time only by taking Inner line Permit.
Having a lot of tribal populations, in order to safeguard their unique Culture, Identity, Ethnicity, languages and to prevent their exploitations by normal citizens as they are very unaware of their rights and to stop amalgamation of normal culture to their unique cultures these laws were formed and hence still these laws hold equally important. 
So. because of ILP status, none of the citizens getting citizenship under CAA hold themselves in ILP states.

6th Schedule

The 6th schedule of the Indian constitution was formulated in the Indian Parliament in 1949 specify about the administrative powers to the very special tribal populated 10 districts of the following 4 states namely Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura. As per this, all the 10 districts will be administered through the Governor and district council of specific districts, not by the State governments.
These 10 districts being a populated tribal area hence the District councils have been structured consisting of 30 members where some being nominated by GUV and some being elected by Tribals.
None of the laws formulated by the Indian parliament and the state legislative assembly will be implemented on these 10 districts, All the rules formation responsibilities have been under the hands of District councils of particular tribal districts. The Governor holds Executive powers of particular districts for swift administration and no Central or State government could influence their powers in these districts. The basic objective is to safeguard these tribals from outside and laws to be formulated as per their customary laws not as per the regular Indian citizens.
Hence, 10 districts coming under the 6th schedule is not going to admit any of the Influx of CAA.

Hence, almost most of the parts of Northeast Indian states have been under the guards of either of the Inner line permit or under the 6th schedule of the Indian constitution.

Before Giving citizenship to any Migrants, very effective Filters needed to be formulated and a correct form of scrutiny needed to be implemented which is going to be a Brainstorming process and a huge financial packages needed causing little unbalance for resouse allocation among normal Indian Citizens.



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