The Corona Impact on US-China Relation

Why in News?

The Outbreak of Covid 19 has spread around the world affected almost all the continents, imbalances lifestyles, economic budgets, trades, Supply Chains, etc but at the same time also deteriorated the Relations between US-China.
Although the Trade war between two had also impacted the relations, the Pandemic took the relations at even lower levels.

The Blame Game

Although in December 2019, the news of first Covid 19 cases had come to the world from China but the narrative from China says the Patient Zero is the Soldier from the US Army.
Although, the first appearance of the case in China gave ample reasons to the world to consider the patient zero from Chinese territory.

Series of Actions

In the series of this, Both countries had expelled the no. of journalists from each other’s country, to show their disapproval against each other, but what catches the world is the passage of the “Taipei Act” after signing the Bill passed through the Senate of US.
Let’s have a brief history of contention between China and Taiwan

China — Taiwan Issue

It was in the 1700s when the Chinese dynasty named Qing annexed Taiwan and hold it completely till in 1894 when the first Sino Japanese war happened and with the victory of Japan, the consensus had reached and entire Taiwan was under the rule of Japan since 1895. But with the end of WW2 in 1945, the Japanese lost war & surrendered Taiwan back to the Chinese mainland.
While it was in 1912 when the different dynasties of China unified and China became a Republic named The Republic of China (ROC).
When Taiwan Unified with the ROC in 1945, the Civil war started within the two factions between the Nationalists(led by Chiang kai shek) and Socialists(led by Mao Zedong)till 1949. The Socialists had the upper hand and dominated the entire mainland China forced Socialist to Flee to the island of Taiwan.
Then onwards Mainland China established as the People’s Republic of China(PRC) and Taiwan become the Republic of China (ROC) and ever since both have been ruled by separate governments.

One China Policy 

After PRC and ROC had separate Govts since 1949 but both follow “One China Policy” which means both says China is their own land i.e PRC says China is PRC and ROC says China is ROC. Even having a common consensus on One China Policy, PRC sees ROC(Taiwan) as their own Territory.


After the separation of both, from 1949 till 1971 almost all the nations of the world saw ROC Taiwan as Main China and even Taiwan holds its seat at United Nations forum as China, but Post 1971 UN seat of China had transferred to PRC till date and Taiwan lost their credential almost everywhere.
The reasons were simple, the world agrees to the stronger economic power.
There are very few countries in the world that see Taiwan as China while almost all recognizes PRC as main China, while countries like India, the US, etc recognize PRC as China but simultaneously have informal relations with Taiwan as well.

Taipei Act

The recent war of words between the US and China post-Corona outbreak, and expelling each other's Journalists from their countries, US Prez signed the Taipei Bill, made it an Act.
Taipei stands for “Taiwan Allies International Protection & Enhancement Initiative” which gives the US Power to help Taiwan gain International recognition, Help Taiwan to get International membership in a various International organization like UNGA, WHO, etc and if not possible for membership then to at least for the status of Observer and the Nation which refrain to give recognition, US would reduce its Economic, Diplomatic & Political engagements to the concerning countries.
After this Act, Countries like Pakistan, Srilanka, Nepal, Myanmar, etc have to rethink their Policy with Taiwan which doesn't even have non-political relations with Taiwan.


Since the world has been facing one of the worst pandemic killing lakhs of peoples around the world, its the high time world should unite above the pity politics and extend helps to the Nations like Taiwan as well instead of keeping it isolated for its no-fault.
WHO is not any private organization but it has the moral responsibilities of safeguarding the health of everyone even from the peoples of Taiwan and not to have succumbed under the pressure of any specific country.
It is also the high time that the US(being worst affected) & China(being one of the first to get affected) should combine with each other with worlds other scientists as well to formulate credible Vaccinations against this Virus without any further war of words and alleviate the world from this deadly Pandemic.


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