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Recently, after the amendments in the Citizenship act of 1955 by both the houses of parliament, a huge Ruckus has been developed in the country among people out of its lack of knowledge. The government should have been cautious about the Vandalism, they should have been proactive instead of reactive, they should propagate the exact meaning of the laws through all channels viz. Radio, TV and even with the volunteers at Sub-district level to educate unaware citizens about laws so the anti-social elements cant be benefited by their agenda and country would only saw peaceful protest instead of Vandalism. What is CAA? As per the citizenship act of 1955, Indian citizenship can be taken by 3 means only viz.. 1. By Birth in India 2. Parents belong to India 3. By Naturalisation  Lets, talk about the 3rd one, as per the 1955 act, any Non-Citizen could get the citizenship of India if He/She has spent 11 years out of the last 15 years of his life By Living in India irrespect


Do You the largest and the oldest insurgency in Asia? Yes, it exists in our country in the Nagaland and the contiguous border it shares with Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and also with Myanmar. Naga is known for its unique cultures, ethnicity, and Tradition well different from general Indian customs.  This fact made them little uncomfortable to merge with general Indian Traditions History It was in the 18th century when through East India Company, Britishers start their rule in India, but with the huge Independence movement in 1857, it was formally being transferred to British Empire in the 19th century. While Britishers start ruling at most of the parts of India during the 18th century but at the same time they started increasing their footprints across the different corners of Indian Subcontinents. It was in 1826 when Britishers annexed the Northeastern part of India through Assam and had reached then Assam's eastern district Naga Hill, now Nagaland, and had started contr

RCEP : An Opportunity or Threat for India

It was in 2014 when the new Indian Government was formed by humongous vote from the People of India,it started increasing her foreign policy to make it even better, the smallest example was converting mere look east policy to act east policy,  and it became more evident after India suffered regular terrorist attacks from Pakistan.  India made SAARC ineffective by not engaging and participating because of Pakistan's presence and it started more engagement with east, hence participation with ASEAN nation had increased. India had made engagement with Asean nation so much that it even Envisage to construct tri national highway to connect India with Myanmar and Thailand. Although plethora of projects have been going on by India on Asean nation in which most Important is Kaladan Multi model project which shouldn't been seen just a mere project with Myanmar but is being a very strategically very important as far as Indian northeastern security is concern. Kaladan project is goi


It was 11th of  September 1893 when the hall of Chicago was being applauded to the speech of Swami Vivekanand as he speaks on how India and Indians helped lots of humankind in the world to take a shelter in the country whosoever had been facing a persecution in their own country , and this is probably the reason why India will be having a humungous culture, ethnicity, languages, etc . But we as an Indian celebrate the pluralism of our nation with so pride. But there is always been a limit to anything which any person, country or even mother earth can tolerate, be it be the population explosion or the man-made pollution or Climate change. When India attained freedom in 1947, the census was conducted first ever in 1951, and it becomes the routine to conduct the census every 10 years. The recent one was in 2011. Although a Humongous amount of population has grown since Independence which we should be addressing very soon, one more thing has to be making us all Skeptic. From 1951 to 2


शहीदों की चिताओं पर लगेंगे हर बरस मेले   वतन पर मर मिटने वालो का बस यही निशाँ  होगा  It was the chilling season began, the sub-zero temperature at the end of 1998, when Indian troops decided to vacate their post on the ridges of Kargil, Mushkoh, Dras, Batalik, Kaksar as per the bilateral agreement between INDIAN AND PAKISTAN in "Shimla accord" of 1972. But the other side of the Army across the LOC had been planning something nefarious when in early 1998 Gen. Parvez Musharaf of the pakistan Army chief had made a couple of several visits to the northern area of LOC. When the temperature started rising, the local Indian shepherd had informed the Indian Army about some infiltrators during the month of May, then a patrol party had been launched of troops leading Capt. Saurabh Kalia, unfortunately their patroling unit were captured by Pak soldiers where bodies of troops returned mutilated give ample sign of gross violation of Geneva convention. Capt.


14th February has been the most Lethal day of the year 2019 ,when on a drastically cowardly terrorist attack, INDIA lost 44 brave men of CRPF by activating human bomb on their convoy going towards Srinagar in Pulwama and during elimination of the Pakistan terrorist , we again lost five brave men of the Indian Army. Now this event makes the eye of the entire nation Nation moists for the brave son of Mother India as well as have a huge sense of Revenge towards the pakistan based JeM Terrorist group. After sudden, Pak faced a huge repercussion from the India like suspension of unilateral "Most favoured Nation status", 200% hike in their imports to India ,India preparation of dossiers To handover to UN members to hammer Pak diplomatically. Now after 2 hours of attack JeM group has claimed the responsibility and even Pakistan Prime minister (a PUPPET of their Army) says they need evidence for the attack in a Televised video which has been release after 5 days of

Climate change, its effect and take for INDIA

21st century a century which saw a lot of growth be it be a space mission program, medicine, artificial intelligence, infrastructure and the list goes on and on... but as it has been correct saying nothing is free , with these development a huge disproportionate shifting in climate change has been seen with intensification of development of industrialization ,a huge chunk of waste have been thrown to this planet in the form of greenhouse gases particularly "carbon" a major reason for global warming and climate change causes extreme weather condition , air pollution ,crop failures ,biodiversity losses, and so on .. If the global warming been going like its current acceleration , at the end of 21st century the average global temperature of mother earth would have been rise to 4deg centigrade. Since this century have already witnessed a huge rise in global average temperature , which has been causing a very fast melting of glaciers and increasing the level of s